The next Reduce and Recycle Hub returns to MarketW3 in January on Saturday 4th February in Acton with lots of great organisations and businesses helping us to reduce, reuse and recycle and promote the circular economy. As well as all our great regular traders and street food stalls.

Reduce and Recycle hub is held on the first Saturday of the month at Acton Market. Our focus of the hub is on Waste Reduction and circular economy. Our project is supported by lottery funding from Climate Action Fund, with the aim to create a useful hub of help, support and education for our local community. Its a regular monthly feature of the market on the first Saturday of the month.
RECYCLE by bringing along your old or unloved:
- Clothing and Shoes
- Small electrical appliances
- Laptops
- NEW ActforEaling will be collecting at part of the Terracycle scheme:
- Dental care including:
- Manual toothbrushes
- Electric toothbrush heads and covers
- Electric flosser nozzles
- Dental floss containers
- Flossing sticks and interdental brushes
- (Not collected battery-operated toothbrushes, electric toothbrush handles, toothpaste tubes and caps, outer cardboard and plastic packaging for toothbrushes, dental floss, batteries)
- Writing instruments: any brand of pen, felt tip, highlighter, marker, correction fluid pot, correction tape, mechanical pencil and eraser pen (cap included) regardless of their composition (plastic, metal). Not collected are wooden pencils, chalk, glue sticks, erasers, rulers or other cutting objects that could disturb the recycling process.
- Dental care including:
PLUS Join in the conversation with ActForEaling on Recycling in Acton.
REUSE by getting help to:
- Upcycle old t-shirts into yarn with Ealing Repair Cafe
- Book swap: Churchfield Association will have their book swap. Bring along your books and discover your next read.
- Shop at the market: Many traders sell pre-loved, high street returns and seconds at a reduced price. Choose from sportswear, womenswear and menswear.
REPAIR by getting help to:
- NEW Laptop health check from Dr Laptop from 12pm and 4pm. No appointment necessary, for More details
- Learning to fix your Clothes with Ealing Repair Cafe
- Getting your Bikes checked (2 pm-5 pm) with Dr Bike. Sessions run by Ealing Council
Did you know that Acton market already has stalls involved in the recycling and the circular economy?
Many of our stall holders sell returns and seconds from the high street, such as menswear, womenswear and sportswear at a reduced price. So come along and grab a bargain, knowing you will be helping reducing waste as well as saving money.
Donate your old laptops to the Fixing Factory: We will have a collection point for laptops that will be wiped clean and fixed by the Fixing factory team at one of their sites and passed onto a new owner. For more information on this great project
PLUS: Dr Laptop will be there offering free laptop health checks.

Clothes, shoes and small electrical items will be collected and passed onto Traid. As a charity, Traid is committed to protecting the environment and reducing world poverty by recycling, fundraising and campaigning in the UK. If you cant make it to the market Traid also offers a doorstep collection in partnership with Ealing council for details on the service and how to book a doorstep collection

Talk to Juliet from ActForEaling on Recycling in Acton: ActforEaling will be there guiding you on what can recycle in Ealing doorstep collection and what can be dropped off elsewhere. Come along for an take part in our recycling challenge on what goes in the blue green and grey doorstep bins.
Juliet will also be collecting dental care and writing instruments, see above for Terracycle.

Learn how to repair your clothes with Ealing Repair cafe who will help teach how to patch and darn your clothes. Come along and pick up their guide on patching and darning. Their volunteers will be there offering advice and friendly chat. So bring along your favorite clothes to mend. By extending the life of your clothes helps the planet as well as saving you money. The Ealing Repair café is run by volunteers and meets up monthly in Ealing Broadway. For more information, go to their website

Get your bike checked over by Dr Bike in partnership with Ealing Council where mechanics will carry out minor repairs on the spot and give advice on how to look after your bike to keep you riding all year round. Dr Bike is at Acton Market, first Saturday of the month, from 2-5pm. Ealing Council offer Cycle training and Dr Bike cycle maintenance around the borough.

Friends of the Earth,, our local environmental group, will be there updating us on their campaigns, the climate emergency and other environmental issues. Current campaigns are:
- United for Warm Homes campaign, the climate emergency and other environmental issues. Come along and find out how the United for Warm Homes campaign is going to help solve the energy crisis.
- Response to Ealing Councils local plan and concerns over Ealing’s Green belt being under threat. Local Plans are so important in the planning process as the plans guide decisions on new development and so will ultimately shape your local community and have a major impact on your environment, your quality of life and that of future generations. So please engage with the consultation and have your say. Further details from ActforEaling Have your say
The dates for the Reduce and Recycle hub for 2023 held on the first Saturday of the month are:
- Saturday 4 March
- Saturday 4 April
- Saturday 6 May
If your organisation, community group or as a trader are interested in getting a stall or can volunteer to help run some of the activities, please email
Reduce and Recycle Hub successes
A the Reduce and Recycle hub we have:
- 160 kg of unwanted clothes and shoes saved from landfill by Traid, which reduced carbon emissions (CO2) by 1.49 tonnes and water savings of 256.6m3.
- 52 kgs of small electrical items collected which will be recycled.
Plus lots of great conversations and leaflets taken on what is going on in the area.
What is the circular economy?
At ReLondon, circular economy is defined as where stuff is kept in use for as long as possible, delivering the highest value it can, for as long as it can. So rather than making, using and then throwing stuff away the current linear system, a circular economy means looking at each of those stages for new ways of cycling materials and value back into the system – using materials and products again and again, in many different forms. For more information
The Reduce and Recycle Hub project at Acton Market is part of the lottery funded project, part of the Climate Action Fund. For more information on the project
If you are interested in booking a stall for this event or another Saturday, please get in touch by applying for a stall.