Reduce and Recycle on the road – part 2

If you remember we recently took our Reduce and Recycle Hub to Imperial College. We are now very delighted to say we have been on the road again. This time we held a pop up reduce and recycle hub at Action West London’s offices in Warple Way, Acton.

We had Ealing Repair Cafe on site helping people to mend and fix their much loved clothes.

Our guests took park in the community feedback activity where they explored their ideas about reducing and recycling.

There was bookswap where visitors could bring books to donate and take up to 3 away with them.

We also had recycling points for clothes, small electrical items, laptops, toothbrushes and pens. Our partner Traid provided us with this great donation box which now finds itself a permanent home at the Action West London offices.

If you missed this event, we are on the road again in May and June.

Saturday May 27th 12pm to 4pm

You can recycle clothes via our Traid Collection point at North Action Pavilion’s, Plant and Art sale. They will also be hosting a book swap. Details below.

Saturday 3rd June – Reduce and Recycle Hub

Come down to Acton Market between 10am to 3pm and learn to fix your clothes with Ealing Repair Cafe, drop of tools for Sharpening with Renew Sharpening Services, come and swap books at our book swap. Recycle clothes, small electrical items, toothbrushes and pens, and laptops.

Hold your own pop up reduce and recycle hub?

If you want us to come and run a reduce and recycle pop up event at your community centre or group. Just email

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